All reviews for Captain Underpants #6: The Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy Part One - The Night of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets

  1. loved it

    yo! melvin-sneedly here or should i say bionic_booger-boy. in this book it showcases annoying things like squishys, an annnoying comic about me and me turning into bionic booger boy. but then not annoying things like my cool invention, how i became good at football and volleyball but i loved it. (no sneedly mark today)

    12 January 2024

  2. loved it

    Booger brilliant!

    15 September 2017

  3. its disgusting but good

    21 February 2013

  4. i would love to read this because i love captin underpants ive only got the talking toilets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2 March 2012

  5. loved it

    Wow this is a big battle of comics, pants and boggies.It is funny and wild and very snotty.

    17 May 2008

  6. loved it

    It is very funny and quite cool!!!

    19 March 2008