Pony Pals Paradise Pack
We must really love all you horse-lovers to bring you so many books at this great price. Packed with special ponies and the friends who care for them, this pack will whisk you to pony paradise. You’ll meet Snow White the Welsh pony, Lightning the chestnut Connemara and Acorn the shaggy little Shetland. So join the Pony Pals today for adventure, happiness, heartache… and heaps of irresistible ponies! So gorgeous!
Recent reviews
I have read ALL of them tones of times. They are so good. I also love and ride horses!
31 May 2013
I LOVE PONYS I HAV LOTS MORE THAN 20!!!!!!! anyways the books were amazing and sad.
20 April 2011
I love ponys and i love these books!!!!!!
3 March 2011