All reviews for Little Women
I didn’t like Ballet Shoes. I was so excited about reading it so was very disappointed. Stopped at about two and a half chapters in. Very boring. Not the type of book for me.
9 March 2014
Really good book it was our class read in school would deffinatley reccomend this book
9 March 2014
I thought this book was much too old fashioned and I didnt like the characters.
7 March 2014
such a great book about the civil war, and was really great. We read it at school near christmas time!
6 March 2014
Little Women is a classic tale of four sisters: Margret, Joesiphine, Elizebeth and Amy. They have lots of things happening in their family. I would recommend as an age rating for the book 10-14
7 March 2013
One of the loveliest books ever. I’ve always loved this story! I really recommend this book.
6 March 2013
I love it. Jo is my favourite!
4 March 2013
This book is all about 4 sisters living in old America- their father has gone to war and they are very poor. I found this book sometimes sad , but this is worth reading, as it is heartwarming and really makes you think about the poor and how they had to make do with a very small amount of things- This book is excellent!
9 January 2013
i picked this up this book many times before i actually finished it. Once you get through the first 5 chapters it starts to become really interesting and i love the storyline. It’s about an american family set in the olden days, and their father is at war. There are 4 sisters – Amy, Beth, Jo, and the eldest Meg. The book is all about the lives and happenings the girls get up to from making friends with the boy next door, Laurie, to going to balls, to looking after each other. I really enjoyed it but it is written in a really posh manner which sometimes can make the phrases hard to understand. But altogether I think it is a really good book.
3 November 2012
My favourite book! I genuinely love this book! I am only sad that I didn’t realise how good it was before :) -RhythmicGymnast
12 August 2012