All reviews for Astrosaurs: Riddle of the Raptors

  1. I have the cd for this book so I don’t have to read it. I liked it when captain Teggs dropped in the middle of the two head butters because one had a bomb in his head and the one with the bomb in his head reflected off captain Teggs’s tummy.

    8 March 2014

  2. liked it

    Astrosaurs are dinosaurs that gained intelligence on earth and escaped before they would die out. Captain teggs stegosaur of the sauropod along with arx orano, gipsy saurine and iggy tooth protect their quadrant from the evil carnivores. In this adventure the horrible raptors have dinoknapped two top athletes can the crew of the sauropod rescue them? As an age rating for these books I would say 7-10 year olds

    8 March 2013

  3. liked it

    It was quite good but could be better a little bit.

    5 May 2012

  4. loved it

    A great first book in the series of the wonderful Astrosaurs Series. Teggs finds himself on his first adventure in his brand new astrousaur ship saurapod. I definetly think you should read the Astrosaurs series and I rate this book 5/5

    3 March 2012