All reviews for Destined
An incredible, dangerous love story with a brilliant yet slightly predictable plot.
5 March 2014
i love this book i have read wings and spells i am now waiting for illusions and destined these are the best faerie tale books i have ever read.
31 January 2013
I loved this book! I rate it five stars after reading the whole series! it tells such a great story that I simply could not put it down!It’s an enchanting world full of spell-binding characters!
28 May 2012
good book
25 May 2012
i read the other ones but this one toped the list
22 May 2012
OMG- I LOVE, LOVE LOVE this book!!!!!!!! The ‘Wings’ Series is the but thing I’ve read in a incredibly long time! This is book four in the series. :-D :-D :-D
12 May 2012
This book was an amazing finish to the series, although I do think the whole book was too much battle and not so much storyline. Overall this is one of my fave books and I hope everyone likes it as much as me!
4 May 2012